Et lille indlæg på www.mizar5.net en blog med fokus på Steely Dan
Ave, Donald!
Jacob Olsen from Copenhagen, Denmark sent this in: “I stumbled upon this picture in a book I just bought about ancient Rome. When opening the package and browsing the pages, the first picture I came across was this. Lucius Brutus was the man responsible for establishing the republic in Rome in 509. bc. But he looks spookingly like Don, even the haircut.”
Jacob Olsen used to work as a professional musician before he got into the educational side of music and arts. “Like a lot of other musicians, I’m sort of awed and inspired by the complexity and ideas in their music, and also intrigued by the imagery and density of the lyrics. And the musicianship and the producing and the recording quality- I mean what’s not to like!”
2 kommentarer:
Nice to see this is still alive, i deleted Mizar5 by accident and although there is a back-up, i still have to find where it is amidst all of those little 00000 and 00000000's. And if you go to one of their European concerts, please write a review we can also publish in Mizar5!
And more or less three years later it inspires an entry on Lexi Says!
March 25, 2010, to be precise.
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